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Rough Amethyst Brazil

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Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB02



This quality of  Top loupe clean Amethyst has deep purple color and at least 90% of stones are clean . The stones of this loupe clean Amethyst has the following sizes :

5 - 10 grams - 11%
10 - 20 grams - 34%
20 - 30 grams - 28%
30 - 50 grams - 18%
50 grams up - 09%

 We can supply untill 20 kilos per month of top loupe clean amethyst.


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Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB03



We can supply untill 80 kilos per month of rough Amethyst Brazil stones, this classification has deep purple color, great crystallization and has some clean gems inside, with the following sizes:
5 - 10 grams - 10%
10 - 20 grams - 34%
20 - 30 grams - 17%
30 - 50 grams - 28%
50 grams up -11%

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Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB05



This quality of  Maraba loupe clean Amethyst has good purple color and at least 90% of stones are clean . The stones of this loupe clean Amethyst has 30 grams up.


We can supply untill 20 kilos per month of Maraba loupe clean amethyst.

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Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB06



This quality of Maraba loupe clean Amethyst has good purple color and at least 90% of stones are clean . The stones of this loupe clean Amethyst has 10 untill 30 grams.

We can supply untill 100 kilos per month of Maraba loupe clean

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 This quality of  Maraba loupe clean Amethyst has good purple color and at least 90% of stones are clean . The stones of this loupe clean Amethyst has 5 untill 10 grams.

We can supply untill 100 kilos per month of Maraba loupe clean amethyst.

About price list, click here 




Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB011



We can supply untill 800 kilos per month of  Rough Amethyst Brazil, this classification has deep purple color , good crystallization and don´t have clean parts inside, with following sizes :

2 - 5 grams - 14%
5 - 10 grams - 41%
10 - 20 grams - 34%
20 grams up - 11%


About price list, click here 


Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB1




This quality of  rough Amethyst has good color, great crystallization with inclusions and don´t have clean stones. The stones of this quality of Amethyst has following sizes:


2 - 5 grams - 14%
5 - 8 grams - 62%
8 grams up - 24%

 We can supply untill 1500 kilos per month of this quality amethyst.


About price list, click here 



Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB13




This quality of  rough Amethyst has good color, good crystallization with inclusions and don´t have clean stones . The stones of this quality of Amethyst has following sizes

20 - 100 grams - 37%

100 - 200 grams - 16%

200 - 300 grams - 11%

300 - 400 grams - 14%

400 grams up - 22%

We can supply untill 6000 kilos per month of this quality amethyst.

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Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB14




This type of Rough Amethyst Brazil blocks AMB14 has  reasonable color and crystallization , with following sizes :
1 untill 3  kilos - 33%
3 - 5 kilos - 38%
5 kilos up - 29%

This classification of amethyst is great to do balls and sculptures in several forms.

We can suplly untill 10.000 kilos per month of Rough Amethyst Brazil Blocks AMB14.

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Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB15



This quality of  rough Amethyst has good color, good crystallization with inclusions and don't have clean stones . The stones of this quality of Amethyst has the following sizes :

4 - 8 grams - 13%

8 - 20 grams - 38%

20 - 60 grams - 33%

60 grams up - 16%

 We can supply untill 12 tons kilos per month of this quality amethyst.

About price list, click here 


Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB16



This quality of  rough Amethyst has good color and crystallization with inclusions and don´t have clean stones . The stones of this quality of Amethyst has the following sizes :


200 - 500 grams - 9%

500 - 1000 grams - 17%

1000 grams up - 74%


We can supply untill 15 tons per month of this quality amethyst.

About price list, click here 


Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB17



This quality of  rough Amethyst has great color and crystallization with inclusions and don´t have clean stones . The stones of this quality of Amethyst has the following sizes :

15 - 30 grams - 15%

30 - 80 grams - 41%

80 - 120 grams - 29%

120 grams up - 15%

 We can supply untill 1000 kilos per month of this quality amethyst.

About price list, click here 


Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB18



This quality of  rough Amethyst has good color and crystallization with inclusions and don't have clean stones . The stones of this quality of Amethyst has the following sizes :


2 – 10 kilos


We can supply untill 6 tons per month of this quality amethyst.


About price list, click here 


Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB19



We can supply  untill 500 kilos per month of rough Amethyst Brazil stones, this classification has good color, great crystallization and some clean parts inside, with the following sizes:
5 - 10 grams - 29%
10 - 20 grams - 34%
20 - 30 grams - 16%
30 - 50 grams - 15%
50 grams up -6%

About price list, click here


Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB2



This type of Rough Amethyst Brazil AMB22 has stones of  reasonable color and crystallization and without clean , with following sizes :

2 -10 grams - 33%
10 - 20 grams - 29%
20 grams up - 38%


This classification of amethyst is great to do tumbled stone.

We can suplly untill 8.000 kilos per month of Rough Amethyst Brazil AMB22.

About price list, click here 


Rough Rose Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB33



This type of Rough Rose Amethyst Brazil AMB33 has stones of  reasonable rose color and crystallization and don´t have clean parts inside, with following sizes :

20 -50 grams - 60%
50 grams up- 40%



We can suplly 14 tons per month of Rough Rose Amethyst Brazil AMB33.

About price list, click here 


Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB34



This type of Rough Amethyst Brazil AMB34 has stones of  reasonable color and good crystallization , with following sizes :

2 -10 grams - 30%
10 - 20 grams - 29%
20 grams up - 41%



We can suplly 26 tons per month of Rough Amethyst Brazil AMB34.

About price list, click here 

amethyst containers, extractors amethyst, exporter amethys


•Variety of: Quartz , SiO2 .
•Uses: Gemstones and ornamental stones.
•Birthstone for: February
•Color: various shades of purple.
•Index of refraction: 1.544-1.553
•Birefringence: 0.009
•Hardness: 7
•Cleavage: none
•Crystal system: trigonal
•Pleochroic: no
•For natural amethyst mineral specimens see our For Sale or Sold lists


Amethyst is the purple variety of quartz and is a popular gemstone. If it were not for its widespread availability, amethyst would be very expensive. The name "amethyst" comes from the Greek and means "not drunken." This was maybe due to a belief that amethyst would ward off the effects of alcohol, but most likely the Greeks were referring to the almost wine-like color of some stones that they may have encountered. Its color is unparalleled, and even other, more expensive purple gemstones are often compared to its color and beauty. Although it must always be purple to be amethyst, it can and does have a wide range of purple shades.

Amethyst can occur as long prismatic crystals that have a six sided pyramid at either end or can form as druzes that are crystalline crusts that only show the pointed terminations. As a mineral specimen, amethyst is popular for its color and nice crystal shapes that produce a handsome, purple, sparkling cluster.

However, amethyst is not the same everywhere. Different localities can produce a unique amethyst to that particular region or even to that particular mine. Experts can often identify the source mine that a particular amethyst came from. The key to this is the specimen's color, shape of crystal, inclusions, associations and character of formation.

The following is a list of many of the more noteworthy localities and some of the attributes that characterize the amethyst found there.

•Vera Cruz, Mexico -- very pale, clear, prismatic crystals that are sometimes double terminated and have grown on a light colored host rock. Crystals are typically phantomed, having a clear quartz interior and an amethyst exterior. Some are sceptered and phantomed.

•Guerrero, Mexico -- dark, deep purple, prismatic crystals that radiate outward from a common attachment point. Often the crystals are phantomed opposite of Vera Cruz amethyst having a purple interior with a clear or white quartz exterior. These are some of the most valuable amethysts in the world.

•Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul, Bahaia, Brazil -- crystals form in druzy crusts that line the inside of sometimes large volcanic rock pockets (vugs) called geodes. Some of the vugs form from trees that were engulfed in a lava or volcanic ash flow millions of years ago and have since withered away. Other vugs are just gas bubbles in the lava. Some vugs can be quite large. The crystals that form are usually light to medium in color and only colored at the tops of the crystals. Most clusters form with gray, white and blue agate and have a green exterior on the geodes. Calcite sometimes is associated and inclusions of cacoxenite are common. More rarely, gypsum crystals adorn the amethyst.

•Maraba, Brazil -- large crystals with unattractive surfaces that are of a pale to medium color and often carved or cut into slices.

•Thunder Bay, Canada -- a distinct red hematite inclusion just below the surface of the crystals is unique to this locality. Clusters are druzy crusts that line the fissures formed in ancient metamorphic rocks.

•Uruguay -- crystals are dark to medium and form in druzy crusts that line the inside of volcanic vugs that have a gray or brown exterior. The crystals are usually colored throughout, unlike the Brazilian crystals, and form with a multicolored agate that often contains reds, yellows and oranges. Often amethyst- coated stalactites and other unusual formations occur inside these vugs.

•Africa -- crystals are usually large but not attractive. However, the interior color and clarity are excellent and polished slices and carvings as well as many gemstones are prized and admired.

•Maine, USA -- Dark druzy clusters that are not widely distributed today.

•North Carolina, USA -- Druzy clusters that have a bluish-violet tint.

•Pennsylvania, USA -- druzy clusters that filled fractures in metamorphic rocks. They are generally a brownish purple and patchy in color.

•Colorado, USA -- druzy clusters form crusts inside of fissures in sandstone, often on top of a crust of green fluorite. Crystals are dark but rather small.

•Italy -- both Vera Cruz like crystals, although not as well defined, and large parallel growth clusters with good evenly distributed color.

•Germany -- associated with colorful agates that form a druzy light-colored crust.
•Ural Mountains, Russia -- a very clear and dark variety that is cut for fine expensive gemstones, natural uncut clusters are rarely on the market.

Often cut gems of amethyst are graded using the terms: Siberian, Uruguayan or Bahain; to represent high medium and low grade respectively, regardless of the actual source. Because of the patchyness of the color distribution in the crystals, Amethyst is often cut as brilliant round cuts to maximize the color. Other cuts can be used when the color is better distributed.

The color purple is traditionally the color of royalty and amethyst has been used since the dawn of history to adorn the rich and powerful monarchs and rulers. Today, amethyst is a lovely and affordable gemstone that is fortunately available in a wide variety of cut and uncut stones that we can all possess and admire.

Amethyst is only one of several quartz varieties. Other varieties that form macroscopic (large enough to see) crystals are as follows:
•Citrine is a yellow to orange gemstone variety that is rare in nature but is often created by heating Amethyst.
•Milky Quartz is the cloudy white variety.
•Prasiolite is the leek-green variety, rare in nature but used as a gemstone, sometimes (wrongly) called Green Amethyst.
•Rock crystal is the clear variety that is also used as a gemstone.
•Rose quartz is a pink to reddish pink variety.
•Smoky quartz is the brown to gray variety.

TOPIC 2 Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz often used in jewelry. The name comes from the Ancient Greek ? a- ("not") and µ???st?? methustos ("intoxicated"), a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness; the ancient Greeks and Romans wore amethyst and made drinking vessels of it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication. It is one of several forms of quartz. Amethyst is the traditional birthstone for February.

Amethyst is the purple variety of quartz (SiO2), containing an impurity of iron, which gives the violet color to the mineral. The hardness of the mineral is the same as quartz's, thus it is suitable for use in jewelry.

Hue and tone

Amethyst occurs in primary hues from a light pinkish violet to a deep purple. Amethyst may exhibit one or both secondary hues, red and blue. The ideal grade is called "Deep Siberian" and has a primary purple hue of around 75–80%, 15–20% blue and (depending on the light source) red secondary hues.[2] Green quartz is sometimes incorrectly called green amethyst, which is an actual misnomer and not an acceptable name for the material, the proper terminology being Prasiolite. It is actually against FTC Guidelines to call prasiolite green amethyst.[citation needed] Other names for green quartz are vermarine, greened amethyst, or lime citrine.

Faceted amethyst
Of very variable intensity, the color of amethyst is often laid out in stripes parallel to the final faces of the crystal. One aspect in the art of lapidary involves the correct cutting to place the color correctly in order to make the tone of the cut stones homogeneous. The fact that sometimes only a thin surface layer of violet color is present in the stone, or that the color is not homogeneous often makes for a difficult cutting.

The color of amethyst has been demonstrated to result from substitution of trivalent iron (Fe3+) in the structure.] When heated, amethyst may turm yellow-orange, yellow-brown, or dark brownish and may resemble citrine.

Roman intaglio engraved gem of Caracalla in amethyst, once in the Treasury of Sainte-Chapelle.
Amethyst was used as a gemstone by the ancient Egyptians and was largely employed in antiquity for intaglio engraved gems.

The Greeks believed amethyst gems could prevent intoxication,[6] while medieval European soldiers wore amethyst amulets as protection in battle – the reason for this being that amethysts are believed to heal people and keep them cool-headed. Beads of amethyst were found in Anglo-Saxon graves in England.[8]

A large geode, or "amethyst-grotto", from near Santa Cruz in southern Brazil was presented at the 1902 exhibition in Düsseldorf, Germany.

In the 19th century, the color of amethyst was attributed to the presence of manganese. However, since it is capable of being greatly altered and even discharged by heat, the color was believed by some authorities to be from an organic source. Ferric thiocyanate has been suggested, and sulfur was said to have been detected in the mineral.

Synthetic amethyst

Synthetic amethyst is produced by gamma-ray, x-ray or electron beam irradiation of clear quartz which has been first doped with ferric impurities. On exposure to heat, the irradiation effects can be partially cancelled and amethyst generally becomes yellow or even green, and much of the citrine, cairngorm, or yellow quartz of jewelry is said to be merely "burnt amethyst".

Synthetic amethyst is made to imitate the best quality amethyst. Its chemical and physical properties are so similar to that of natural amethyst that it can not be differentiated with absolute certainty without advanced gemnological testing (which is often cost-prohibitive). There is one test based on "Brazil law twinning" (a form of quartz twinning where right and left hand quartz structures are combined in a single crystal[11]) which can be used to identify synthetic amethyst rather easily. It is possible to synthesize twinned amethyst, but this type is not available in large quantities in the market.


The Greek word "amethystos" may be translated as "not drunken", from Greek a-, "not" + methustos, "intoxicated". Amethyst was considered to be a strong antidote against drunkenness, which is why wine goblets were often carved from it. In Greek mythology, Dionysus, the god of intoxication, and of wine, was pursuing a maiden named Amethystos, who refused his affections. Amethystos prayed to the gods to remain chaste, a prayer which the goddess Artemis answered, transforming her into a white stone. Humbled by Amethystos's desire to remain chaste, Dionysus poured wine over the stone as an offering, dyeing the crystals purple.

Variations of the story include that Dionysus had been insulted by a mortal and swore to slay the next mortal who crossed his path, creating fierce tigers to carry out his wrath. The mortal turned out to be a beautiful young woman, Amethystos, who was on her way to pay tribute to Artemis. Her life was spared by Artemis, who transformed the maiden into a statue of pure crystalline quartz to protect her from the brutal claws. Dionysus wept tears of wine in remorse for his action at the sight of the beautiful statue. The god's tears then stained the quartz purple. Another variation involves the titan Rhea presenting Dionysus with the amethyst stone to preserve the wine-drinker's sanity.

Geographic distribution

Amethyst is produced in abundance from the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil where it occurs in large geodes within volcanic rocks. Many of the hollow agates of southwestern Brazil and Uruguay contain a crop of amethyst crystals in the interior. Artigas, Uruguay and neighboring Brazilian state Rio Grande do Sul are large world producers exceeding in quantity Minas Gerais, as well as Mato Grosso, Espirito Santo, Bahia, and Ceará states, all amethyst producers of importance in Brazil.

It is also found and mined in South Korea. The largest opencast amethyst vein in the world is in Maissau, Lower Austria. Much fine amethyst comes from Russia, especially from near Mursinka in the Ekaterinburg district, where it occurs in drusy cavities in granitic rocks. Many localities in south India yield amethyst. One of the largest global amethyst producers is Zambia in southern Africa with an annual production of about 1000 tonnes.

Amethyst occurs at many localities in the United States.[9] Among these may be mentioned: the Mazatzal Mountain region in Gila and Maricopa Counties, Arizona; Red Feather Lakes, near Ft Collins, Colorado; Amethyst Mountain, Texas; Yellowstone National Park; Delaware County, Pennsylvania; Haywood County, North Carolina; Deer Hill and Stow, Maine and in the Lake Superior region of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ontario in Canada. Amethyst is relatively common in Ontario, and in various locations throughout Nova Scotia. The largest amethyst mine in North America is located in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
An amethyst geode that formed when large crystals grew in open spaces inside the rock.

Up until the 18th century, amethyst was included in the cardinal, or most valuable, gemstones (along with diamond, sapphire, ruby, and emerald). However, since the discovery of extensive deposits in locations such as Brazil, it has lost most of its value.

Collectors look for depth of color, possibly with red flashes if cut conventionally. The highest grade amethyst (called "Deep Russian") is exceptionally rare and therefore, when one is found, its value is dependent on the demand of collectors. It is, however, still orders of magnitude lower than the highest grade sapphires or rubies (padparadscha sapphire or "pigeon's blood" ruby).olesaler amethyst , productors amethyst, producers amethyst , suppliers amethyst , amethyst stones tumbled , beads amethyst , amethyst for Japanese , amethyst for Chinese , amethyst for Indian , powder amethyst , amethyst collection , specimens amethyst , raw amethyst , gems of amethyst , cut of amethyst , quality of amethyst , color of amethyst , clean of amethyst , loupe clean amethyst , miners of amethyst , mines of amethyst , amethyst of thayland