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                                                      Rough Citrine Brazil 


Rough Critine Brazil CODE: CTB01

Rough citrine Brazil Photos Here

  We can suplly untill 20 kilos per month of Rough Citrine Brazil Stones  with only great Red color stones, great crystallization and cleaning (At least 90% clean), with the following sizes:     5 - 8 grams - 13%

8 - 13 grams - 30 %

13 - 20 grams -  23%

20 - 30 grams - 21 %

30 grams up - 13 %

About price list, click here 


Rough Critine Brazil CODE: CTB02

Rough citrine Brazil Photos Here

  We can suplly orders untill 40 kilos per month of Rough Citrine CTB02   with good mix colors(Grade AAA , AA and A color) , great crystallization and good cleaning , with the following sizes:    

5 - 8 grams - 12%

8 - 13 grams - 31 %

13 - 20 grams -  24%

20 - 30 grams - 20 %

30 grams up - 13 %

About the color this classification has 30% percent of red stones, 40% orange and 30% yellow stones.

About price list, click here 


Rough Critine Brazil CODE: CTB03

Rough citrine Brazil Photos Here


We can suplly orders untill 600 kilos per month of Rough Citrine CTB04   with stones of great color, good crystallization and little cleaning, with the following sizes:

5 - 10 grams - 28 %

10 - 20 grams - 45 %

20 grmas up - 27 %

About price list, click here 


Rough Critine Brazil CODE: CTB04

Rough citrine Brazil Photos Here


We can suplly orders untill 2,000 kilos per month of Rough Citrine CTB04   with stones of good color, good crystallization and little cleaning, with the following sizes:

2 - 5 grams - 15 %

5 - 10 grams - 42 %

10 - 20 grams - 33 %

20 grmas up - 20 %

About price list, click here 



Rough Critine Brazil CODE: CTB05

Rough citrine Brazil Photos Here

  We can suplly orders untill 300 kilos per month of Rough Citrine Brazil Stones  with stones of great color, good crystallization and  little cleaning, with the following sizes:

2 - 5 grams - 25 %

5 - 10 grams - 31 %

10 - 20 grams - 21 %

20 grams up - 23 %

About price list, click here 



Rough Critine Brazil CODE: CTB06

Rough citrine Brazil Photos Here


We can suplly you with 1000  kilos per month of Rough Citrine Brazil Stones  with stones of good color, good crystallization and little cleaning, with the following sizes:

0,5 - 2 grams - 37 %

2 - 4 grams - 47 %

4 - grams up - 16 %

   Obs: This Rough citrine Brazil  has rounder stones.

    About price list, click here 



Rough Critine Brazil CODE: CTB07

Rough citrine Brazil Photos Here



We can suplly you with 12 Tons  per month of Rough Citrine Brazil Stones  with stones of good color, crystallization measured and any cleaning, with the following sizes:

1 - 5 grams - 43 %

5 - 10 grams - 32 %

10 - 20 grams - 25 %
 Obs: This lot of Rough citrine Brazil  has rounder stones.

About price list, click here 




Color: Pale yellow to a madeira orange in all of its glorious golden and yellow colors. The yellow color is from the presence of iron, the darker the color - the higher the grade.

Description: SiO2 Citrine is transparent, coarse-grained variety of the silica mineral quartz . Citrine is a semiprecious gem that is valued for its yellow to brownish color and its resemblance to the rarer topaz.
Natural citrine is rare compared to amethyst or smoky quartz , both of which are often heated to turn their natural color into that of citrine.

The name's origin: The name citrine is derived from the French word citron - lemon.

Birthstone: Citrine along with topaz are birthstones of Scorpius (Scorpion): Oct. 24 - Nov. 21 .

Wedding anniversary: Citrine is the anniversary gemstone for the 17th year of marriage.

Care and treatment: Citrine can be easily scratched. Citrine permenantly changes color if left in the sunlight for several hours, hence citrine jewelry should be kept away from prolonged exposure to strong light or heat.

From the stone history: Citrine is a gemstone which has been used in Greece since the Hellenistic period (end of the 4th to the end of the 1st century BC).

Shopping guide: Citrine is a beautiful translucent yellow gemstone. The larger the stone, the more golden the tone. It is a popular and affordable alternative to the much more expensive yellow sapphire or yellow diamond. To create wondeful multi-colored jewelry, it is often combined with other stones such as: peridot, amethyst, and garnet.
Citrine is often marketed under various names that confuse it with topaz to inflate its price. It may be distinguished from topaz by its inferior hardness and from decolorized amethyst by its lack of reddish cast.

Healing ability: Citrine is valuable in the treatment of depression, it eliminates self-destructive tendencies. Citrine is said to stimulate memory.
It aids digestion, and removes toxins from the body. Citrine is a good healing stone, especially for heart, kidney and liver. It helps fighting diabetes.

Mystical power: Citrine symbolizes light-heartedness, joy and happiness. Citrine is a great protective talisman. It calms and soothes.
Citrine is the signature of wisdom and peace. It stimulates the mental body and aids the opening of the bridge between higher mental body and intuitional levels. Citrine is said to help one connect with Spirit. It enhances creativity, and motivates writers.

Deposits: Citrine is found in Brazil, Madagascar, Spain, Uruguay, Scotland, USA (California, Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, and Nevada) and Russia. Brazil is the main source of citrine.

Citrine is any quartz crystal or cluster that is yellow or orange in color. Although often cut as a gemstone, citrine is actually somewhat rare in nature. Most citrines on the market have been heat treated. Specimens of low grade, inexpensive amethyst or smoky quartz are often cooked at high temperatures to produce the more profitable orange yellow citrine. Citrines whose colors have been produced by artificial means tend to have much more of an orange or reddish caste than those found in nature, which are usually a pale yellow. Much of the natural citrine may have started out as amethyst but heat from nearby magmatic bodies may have caused the change to citrine.

The citrine geodes available in the trade are always (so far as I am aware) the result of heat treatment of amethyst geodes.

Citrine made by heating amethyst may be returned to a purple color by bombarding it with beta radiation. Interestingly, a popular gemstone on the market is a mixture of half amethyst and half citrine and is given the name ametrine, made by heating an amethyst until it turns into citrine, then irradiating a part of the resulting crystal or gemstone to convert that portion back to amethyst.

Unfortunately for citrine it is often confused with the more expensive orange-yellow topaz and is at times sold as topaz by unscrupulous dealers. This practice has soured many potential citrine fanciers who see citrine as a fake topaz and not as a legitimate gemstone.
Citrine is only one of several quartz varieties. Other varieties that form macroscopic (large enough to see) crystals are as follows:
•Amethyst is the purple gemstone variety.
•Milky Quartz is the cloudy white variety.
•Prasiolite is a leek-green variety.
•Rock crystal is the clear variety that is also used as a gemstone.
•Rose quartz is a pink to reddish pink variety.
•Smoky quartz is the brown to gray variety.