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Rough Rose de France Amethyst |
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This quality of Top loupe clean Amethyst has stones of great rose color and clean percentage of stones(At least 90% clean) . The stones has very deep rose color better than AMB28 and has these size proportion: 20 untill 50 grams ---- 29%
This quality of Top loupe clean Amethyst has stones of good color and clean percentage of stones(At least 90% clean) . The stones of this loupe clean Amethyst has 150 grams up.
Rough Amethyst Brazil CODE : AMB29
This quality of Top loupe clean Amethyst has stones of good color and clean percentage of stones(At least 90% clean) . The stones of this loupe clean Amethyst has 30 up to 150 grams.
This quality of Top loupe clean Amethyst has stones of good color and clean percentage of stones(At least 90% clean) . The stones of this loupe clean Amethyst has 10 up to 30 grams.